To log in,
double click the icon on your desktop. The
Log On
screen will appear.
Enter your username and password in the appropriate
fields, and click
Your password is case-sensitive.
When you have successfully logged on, you are taken your default screen, from which you can
use the menus to carry out tasks in Optimum.
If you make a mistake when entering your password, you
can click
to empty the field, and then retry.
Forgotten Password?
If you cannot
remember your password, you can click the Forgot Password link to
request a new one.
Then, either enter your Username or Employee Number
and click Send Password. This will e-mail a new password to
the e-mail address that Optimum has stored for you.
If you make a mistake when entering your password, you
can click
to empty the fields, and then retry.
The Info-Bar
Wherever you are in Optimum, an Info-Bar is visible at
the top of the screen.

This shows you:
the name of the screen you are on (in this case
System Log On)
the current date and time
your username
an password change icon 
a log out icon 
a home
link to take you back to your default screen, if you have a default
screen set 
a link to the Help system 
Logging Out
To log out, click the
Log Out
on the Info-Bar. This will log you out of the system immediately,
and take you to the Log On screen.